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jQuery-Patience by RodrigoAyala

A jQuery Plugin to make your users to wait your ajax calls

I was searching a jQuery plugin to show a "loading" div for ajax calls, and I didn't found anything. So after that, I decided to create this plugin. It works out-of-the-box, this means that you don't need to add new stylesheets to the HTML, or add strange configurations.


jQuery (>=1.6.0)


It's simple!, add the plugin to the HTML, and in the HEAD section, add this:

<meta name="patience" content="true">
And that's it!

Anyway, you can customize the loading div, instead of add the meta "patience", call $.patience with some options like:
loading_image: path of the loading icon
message: message that will be shown inside the div, something like "Loading..." or "Wait please..."
height: height of the div
width: width of the div
Or if you want to use your own div:
div_loading: name of the div that you created by your own to be shown.

$.patience({message: "Wait please!",height:200,width:200});


See this example, live!




Rodrigo Ayala


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$ git clone git://
